Taking back the American Dream

4 min readMar 17, 2021

The beauty of individualism should not be shirked. Free enterprise, self-reliance, and control over your destiny are great American ideals. These ideals are the bedrock of the American dream. What happens when the American dream is dead?

Currently, America is failing its citizenry. Corrupt politicians, corporations who only value profit, political machinery with billions backing it, and the massive bureaucratic system have left Americans behind. Viewing solely through the lenses of “profit and losses,” American corporations continue to offshore and take advantage of the current economic system. This in turn has taken jobs from our citizenry, all in the name of profit. Politicians who kowtow to special interest groups and their donors have thrown their constituents’ concerns to the wayside, again all for capital. Political groups and PACs do not promote true American’s issues as well, bowing to the elite, donor class. Americans are left behind to suffer and toil to make a living wage. As more wars are waged, as politicians take away our ability to make a living, as the elite continue to thrive while we suffer; what happens to us?

The motto used to be hard work will lead to success. This promise is dead. Politicians and the elite, ruling, donor class have taken that from us; through endless wars, offshoring, senseless regulations, massive bureaucracy, crony capitalism, and corporate oligarchy. With this promise dead, how do we move forward? We must take back our own destiny. Americans must band together and take back our nation from corporations and the elites that have raped this country.

Through collective action, Americans can build back that promise. We must spurn leaders who have left us behind in their wake. We must care about our neighbors, our country, and our future. The government should serve its’ citizenry, rather than profiting on us. With our country failing as each year goes by, it is on us to change it. True American collectivism with an emphasis on the individual will ensure success for ALL Americans. This is not to benefit a specific ideology or group, this a path to benefit all Americans. The right’s obsession with individualism and unfettered capitalism should be rejected, as well as socialism. The American economy and political system should serve its’ people rather than share holders looking for profit.

A collective America that promotes the success of everyone is the way. A government that benefits and serves its’ citizenry is not idealistic, but realistic. The government for far too long has only benefitted the few rather than all people. Instead of moronic special donor projects and senseless spending, the government should invest in its’ citizenry through infrastructure, incentivizing technological advancement, and various other means that benefit us. By the government investing in this path forward, each person will have a valuable job that is ultimately leading to the betterment of our society. These valuable jobs provide an intangible sense of working towards that goal. With everyone working towards the betterment of America and the common good, this provides an unbreakable sense of community that has been gone for far too long.

A more collective America does have obstacles in its’ way, i.e. the adversaries I discussed earlier. The solution: take back the system. Organize and vote against politicians who promote anything that is antithetical to the American dream. Politicians for far too long, have not listened to the true concerns of Americans. Americans just want the ability to live freely, unperturbed, and the ability to succeed. These politicians have left America behind as they march towards a globalist society that does not benefit us. Turning their heads on true issues: the opioid crisis, single parenthood rate, homelessness, and illegal immigration. What have they done to correct these issues? Absolutely nothing. The political elite have only worked towards issues of no value to us. The recent COVID-19 package was just another example. As tyrants took away your ability to make a living, they “generously” gave us $1,400, after we were promised $2,000 checks. There are plenty of other examples, but this recent package has captured the attention of Americans. Americans have now realized the political elite only care about satisfying their donors and friends. This should absolutely disgust you, like it disgusts me.

By changing the system to benefit us, whether it be holding corporations or our political elite accountable, we can change the course of America. This New America returns us back to the greatness that was once promised. We deserve this, we deserve this opportunity. It is time to work together towards a true, better America that promotes the American dream.




Common Good Originalism Advocate. America First. Weakness Kills. Drain The Swamp. Burkean Conservative. New Right.